How often should you actually wash your hair?
How often should you actually wash your hair? It’s the million dollar question, and one that has been debated by experts forever.  But is there actually a definitive answer?
Does this cause Hair Loss? 8 Myths about Hair Loss Debunked
Does this cause hair loss? The Internet is full of myths about hair loss! Some are totally left field, and some do leave people wondering, could this be true? We have the answers.
Can a Plant Based Diet Reverse Hair Loss?
Switching to a plant based diet and vegan friendly hair care products, can benefit both hair and scalp health. Most supermarket shampoos and conditioners include parabens and sulphates. These unnecessary chemicals help make the shampoo last longer and create the lather effect, but in fact can be quite detrimental to hair.
the sisterhood
Join more than 2,700 women in our Private Facebook Group talking about hair problems and issues common to us all. See before and after photos that have not been made public. This is a CLOSED group for women who want to talk about their hair thinning and the hair care issues we face every day. Particularly for women who have fine, thin or thinning hair.

Simply hit "Join group" when you arrive at our on the page.