The Mind / Body / Hair Connection
Pretty soon our TV ads and social feeds will be filled with Summer Body challenges and weight loss supplements again. 'THEY' say, "Summer bodies are made in Winter", but WE say it's important to look after yourself (and your hair) all year round! And what's more, a healthy body (and mind) are more closely linked to healthy hair than you know...
BOOSTNBLEND™ is not like dry shampoo...
For many, dry shampoo has been a real game changer. People generally use it on days when they don't have time to wash, dry or style their hair and as a quick fix between sweaty gym workouts! The best dry shampoos claim to soak up oil and clean your hair water-free…
Heathy Hair Tips For Women Over 40

Believe it or not girls, among some of those other changes we can expect to experience in this decade, our hair can begin to lose its shine, its quality and very often it also becomes noticeably thinner. Perhaps you have noticed your part is becoming wider?

Never fear, there are lots of things you can do to improve the quality of your hair and here trained nurse and hair health writer Bambi Staveley, offers some healthy hair tips.

Beware Shampoos with False Promises

Firstly let's get one thing straight: Shampoo cannot grow hair. It is true that female hair loss is more common than you think, with over 40% of women seeing visible signs of hair loss from the age of 30.

So it's little wonder many women are going to extreme lengths (pardon the pun!) to find a solution for their hair loss. With so many so-called "fast hair growth shampoos" on the market we all want to know - does hair growth shampoo really work?

How to prevent hair loss
There is tonnes of information around on what to do about hair loss, but how to prevent hair loss is a very different topic. You may have assumed that hair loss can't be prevented, well that is not entirely true - it can!
Can dying hair cause hair loss?
We get asked by lots of women whether hair dyes could be causing their hair loss. Unfortunately, like most hair loss related questions, there is no simple answer. The short answer is: no, probably not and the long answer is: probably not, but maybe.
Low Iron Levels and Hair Loss
If you’ve done any research at all about hair loss in women  then you probably know that there are a lot of reasons your hair could be thinning. One very common reason is low iron levels. Here we explain the connection between low iron and hair loss.
Should I be using organic hair products
It’s no secret that being more active and more closely scrutinising the chemical additives we put into our bodies is beneficial to our health, however, many of us are forgetting to pay attention to the chemicals we put ON our bodies.
How do I know if my hair is thinning?
For some women this will seem like a silly question as the answer is unfortunately so obvious, but for many women who may be wondering if they are in the early stages of hair loss, this is a very important question.
Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair naturally thins out as we age and this often happens gradually. However, noticeable or sudden hair loss occurs at two specific times in a woman's life - during/following menopause and following pregnancy.

Are you making your hair loss worse by trying to make it look better?
Lots of things change as we age, some changes are welcome whilst others we would probably prefer to do without. The changes to our hair, for most of us, belong to the latter category.
The diet and hair loss connection
Diet is one of the first places you should look to improve hair, skin and nails. You know the adage: "You are what you eat..." According to this article published in Menopause Review Nutrition of women with hair loss problem during the period of menopause, menopause is a vital time to be making positive changes to your diet, especially if hair loss is present.
Inspirational Women over 40: Ita Buttrose

Ita Buttrose needs no introduction. Her name is inextricably bound to decades of Australian publishing and media history and at 72 years of age (really? wow, she sure doesn't look it), she continues to achieve and inspire.


Image Credit: Eva Rinaldi [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Inspirational Women over 40: Tracy Grimshaw
This is the first in our series, Inspirational Women over 40. BOOSTnBLEND women are inspired and confident women, many of whom devote their lives and their loves to others. We hear incredible stories from our lovely ladies, in particular about getting to this wonderful middle age and the challenges it brings – amongst other things – with our hair.
BOOSTNBLEND™ Rave Reviews Keep On Coming
BOOSTnBLEND receives rave reviews every day. We feel so blessed to be making a difference in women's lives.
The answer to thinning hair for women
For thousands of women, Boost n Blend has provided the answer to visibly thinning hair. With reviews like this, it is no wonder Boost n Blend has taken the whole country by storm! We can barely keep up with the demand...
Causes of hair loss in women: Trichotillomania

Charlene Blacer, Founder of HelpMe2Stop (, always wanted to be in the healthcare industry – she first worked in a salon to put herself through nursing school.

When she discovered the world of hair extensions, she promptly quit nursing to focus on a career in cosmetology. Once established in the cosmetic hair restoration business, however, she noticed a high percentage of clients suffering from trichotillomania, a condition that causes people to compulsively pull out their hair – and, unlike with her cancer patients, insurance doesn’t provide funding to cover hair replacement costs.

What causes post pregnancy hair loss and what to do about it
It is not uncommon to suffer hair loss associated with pregnancy, in fact it affects 40 to 50 per cent of post-partum women.
How to Apply BOOSTNBLEND™ Thinning Hair Solution

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to apply BOOSTNBLEND™ to disguise thinning hair?

Take 2 minutes to see how quick and easy the application process really is. BOOSTNBLEND™ is the only instant thinning hair solution for women on the market - developed by women for women.

Post Pregnancy Hair Loss
It’s a bit harsh, isn’t it? You’ve got a new baby to look after, your body doesn’t look or feel the same and now your hair is falling out!? Don’t worry, you’re not alone and there are some things you can do to feel confident again. Here’s what you need to know about post-pregnancy hair loss.
Women are losing their hair
We don’t talk about it because a woman’s hair is her crowning glory. When it suddenly starts to fall out, we try to ignore it. Clumps of hair sitting on the shower drain, or building up in a brush or in the corners of the bathroom floor can signal something is wrong.
the sisterhood
Join more than 2,700 women in our Private Facebook Group talking about hair problems and issues common to us all. See before and after photos that have not been made public. This is a CLOSED group for women who want to talk about their hair thinning and the hair care issues we face every day. Particularly for women who have fine, thin or thinning hair.

Simply hit "Join group" when you arrive at our on the page.