How often should you actually wash your hair?
How often should you actually wash your hair? It’s the million dollar question, and one that has been debated by experts forever.  But is there actually a definitive answer?
How to fight the Frizz
Frizz fighting treatments can often weigh down fine, thin or thinning hair leaving it looking limp and heavy. The new Boost & Be Lightweight Frizz Free Spray is an amazing solution for women with thinning hair.  Adding moisture and strength to fight the frizz, without weighing it down.
Does this cause Hair Loss? 8 Myths about Hair Loss Debunked
Does this cause hair loss? The Internet is full of myths about hair loss! Some are totally left field, and some do leave people wondering, could this be true? We have the answers.
Do Volumising Shampoos Really Work?
Volumising shampoos and conditioners all promise the ultimate dream of thick, luscious locks but the quest for volume can sometimes feel entirely fruitless. Here we explain why certain products may not be working and what to look for instead.
International Women's Day, 2021: Grow your Confidence

“The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence” - Beyonce.
Would describe yourself as confident? Or is it a feeling you seem to be searching for; elusive, out of reach, but overflowing in other women you know? Women who seem fearless, who carry themselves with such grace and determination.

the sisterhood
Join more than 2,700 women in our Private Facebook Group talking about hair problems and issues common to us all. See before and after photos that have not been made public. This is a CLOSED group for women who want to talk about their hair thinning and the hair care issues we face every day. Particularly for women who have fine, thin or thinning hair.

Simply hit "Join group" when you arrive at our on the page.